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ISO 9001 2015

Cascade Systems has a deep commitment to quality. The proof of this is in the certifications we have earned and maintain to assure that our customers always receive the highest quality electronic contract manufacturing products and service available in the market today.

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified – Quality Management System

CST is ISO 9001:2015 certified through the International Standard Organization (ISO).  A comprehensive and thorough Quality Management System has been implemented throughout all sectors of the company, including employees, training, products, equipment, and services to meet quality requirements.

What does this mean for Cascade Systems Technology Customers? It means that our company values align with the Quality Management Principles established by the International Organization for Standardization. These principles are:

  • Customer Focus –Earning the ISO 9001:2015 certification, assures our customers that the electronics contract manufacturing services that they purchase from us tomorrow will be as good as (or better than) the ones they get today, and always exceed their expectations.
  • Leadership and Engagement – At CST, everyone is dedicated to delivering high quality electronic manufacturing services. Our unity of leadership assures our customers that our rigorous quality standards will be followed and enforced every day for every project.
  • Continuous Improvement – In today’s marketplace, the ability to react to internal and external change is critical. We are constantly evaluating our products and processes to find ways to make them better and less expensive by using evidence-based decision making. This is especially important when providing design for manufacturing and design for testing services. Continuous improvement assures that problems within the manufacturing process are caught before they go into high volume production and avoid costly rework expense.
  • Relationship Management – At Cascade, we treat our customers as partners to ensure your company’s success. If you aren’t successful, then neither are we.

ISO 14001 compliant – Environmental Management System

Cascade Systems is compliant with ISO 14001, the Environmental Management System requirements. Leadership and employees are committed to disposing of waste and material in an environmentally responsible way. CST has set proactive measures to recycle and reuse. Along with the quality standards, Cascade offers RoHS (Lead-Free) compliant manufacturing options for our products.

Want to Learn More about Cascade’s Quality Practices?

Just give us a call at (503) 640-5733, or email us as at to chat with our representatives today.

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