Manufacturing the Future! Leader in Electronic Contract Manufacturing in the Pacific NW for 36+ years

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Design for manufacturing servicesCascade Systems Technology performs Design for Manufacturing (DFM) reviews for each of our customers’ products. These reviews help prevent difficulties in the manufacturing process, improves quality, and reduces costs of the finished product. These reviews include:

  • Gerber file review
  • Component availability review
  • Identification of alternate components
  • Technical review

Design for Manufacturing Quality Review Process

During the Gerber and Component reviews, CST identifies potential design change options, which can do the following:

  • Reduce complexity
  • Make it easier to manufacture
  • Reduce BOM and process costs
  • Reduce process costs
  • Shorten production cycle time
  • Eliminate reliability and quality issues

The Technical review includes, but is not limited to:

  • Reviewing the Gerber files to check for missing layers, missing apertures in paste layers, conflicting information, presence of fiducials, etc.
  • Extracting data such as PCB material, layer counts, dimensions, plating, mask color, and (most importantly) gathering component counts for our quoting tool.
  • Generating realistic pictures of the bare PCB.
  • Identifying any risks that may be present due to the design of the board.
  • Recommending panel arrays based on RFQ quantities and board size.
  • Determining if any fixturing will be needed for assembly.

Let CST Provide Design for Manufacturing Services for You

We have a team of engineers and technicians with many years of experience in the industry. They are proficient at identifying potential design issues and suggesting improvements. Although we no longer do complete board designs from scratch, we can help improve your existing design, optimize its manufacturing process, and generally reduce your design-related headaches.

Get a quote by complete our simple online Express Quote form, give us a call at (503) 640-5733, email us at to get more info about our Design for Manufacturing Services.

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